Change I need. Change we all deserve.

Lean on Me, Chicago. Lien on Me.

Progressive. Centrist. Compassionate. Independent.

Lien Choi for Congress

Illinois 7th District


As an independent candidate for the US House of Representatives, serving Illinois 7th district, I am beholden to no one but you. With my unique life experience, perspectives and detailed initiatives, I will bring the change we all desperately need and deserve.

Solid Plan


Unlike other candidates, I have a solid and detailed plan to bring about the change we need. I am willing to bypass longstanding broken systems if need be by promoting changing of "norms" to bring about dire services and change. Working with local, city, state and federal resources to enact drastic measures to bring services to anyone who needs them. To seek international cooperation to resolve major crises (energy, migrant, global climate change, etc.), and to use all my resources to invest in non-profit organizations to fill in the enormous gaps in social services, and social and environmental justice.


I am a progressive-centrist who strongly values diverse perspectives and the importance of listening to others. Through open dialogue and genuine understanding, we can recognize that we have more in common than not. It is only through unity and collaboration that we can strive for policies and solutions that will truly benefit everyone. By embracing the power of inclusivity and recognizing the worth of each individual, we can create a community where all opinions are respected and considered. Together, we can work towards addressing the true needs and concerns that plague our society.


As an independent candidate, I am not bound by party politics or special interests and will focus solely on representing our interests.


Contact me

Please feel free to inquire for campaign details or participation